
cpplint or cpplint.py is an open source lint-like tool developed by Google, designed to ensure that C++ code conforms to Google’s coding style guides

From: Weinberger, Benjy. “Google C++ Style Guide, section cpplint”

Use cpplint.py to detect style errors.

cpplint.py is a tool that reads a source file and identifies many style errors. It is not perfect, and has both false positives and false negatives, but it is still a valuable tool.

Some projects have instructions on how to run cpplint.py from their project tools. If the project you are contributing to does not, you can download cpplint.py separately.

Cpplint 是一个 Python 编写的基于 Google 代码规范的检测工具。它只是一个代码风格检测工具,其并不对代码逻辑、语法错误等进行检查。Cpplint 有一套推测项目的根目录的算法,但是如果错误的话会导致对头文件保护宏命名的检查出错,此时可以通过 –repository 或者 –root 指定项目的根目录。Cpplint 也支持项目/目录级别的 CPPLINT.cfg 配置文件,这样就不需要每次在命令行传递相同的参数了。


  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cpplint
  • https://google.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.html#cpplint
  • https://git.woa.com/standards/cpp/tree/master/cpplint
  • https://git.woa.com/codecheck-tools/cpplint_scan/blob/master/tool/cpplint.py